
Gun Control

Call me ridiculous but I never wanted my son to own a fake gun. I thought it induced violence so I swore I wouldn't allow him to have one.

Well, he decided to become a crazy boy anyways and would use his fingers to make a fake gun. So what the heck? We got him a Nerf gun and within minutes, he mastered that bad boy.


Sick dog.

Son who fell down the stairs and needed x-rays to make sure he didn't break his nose.

Husband who fled to the bedroom to take a nap after returning from the hospital.

Wife stuck cooking, cleaning, bathing child, tending to sick dog, all while still being a tad under the weather.



Mr. President...

...I heart you!

The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Today was a hell of a day...

So far I've been very lucky throughout my pregnancy. Other than some nasty morning sickness that lasted a whopping 18 weeks, I've felt fantastic. Well, all poop hit the fan today!

I had contractions all morning, which were so strong that I couldn't stand up straight. I also had heartburn, nauseau, and a baby that was kicking in the womb so hard I had shooting pains in my various regions. To make matters worse, my body also decided to get a sinus infection. My right ear, cheek, and neck hurt so bad it feels like I've been sucker punched.

Sucks, right? I should be pissy and moaning and whallowing in self pity. But with that crap came some of the funniest moments as well today.

Like my hubby being kind enough to plant flowers in the garden that would die by the time I got around to them. Hubby's not a little man, so a gentle, tender touch typically needed with plants wouldn't necessarily be his forte. But he was talking to them, saying things like "here ya go babe, you're home now" or when he was massaging the roots free, he said "tickle, tickle, tickle". I literally laughed out loud!

Or my son, watching out the window with squinted eyes for almost 2 hours while Daddy mowed the lawn. He stared at his Daddy with wild fascination and awe. It was awesome, albeit it was when he *should* have been napping!

And the best part? Hubby totally pampered me, took care of our little man, and did not only the lawnwork but household chores. Little man was also wonderful, going the entire afternoon meltdown-free (which any parent to a toddler knows this is an AMAZING fete!)

In closing, while I could dwell on my woes, I am deciding to look at my wonderful boys and reflect on today as a good day. Although as I type this, my Braxton Hicks are kicking back up again so I can only hope sleep and a reprieve from this madness will be in my near future...


Keep the Winkie in thy Pants

I came across an article and literally had to laugh out loud. If you want to read it, go to http://www.slate.com/id/2216714/?GT1=38001.

Basically, a man claims to have cheated on his wife unknowlingly while under the influence of Ambien. I don't know about you, but if my husband ever tries to use this as an alibi to be a philanderer, he will be quickly hearing from a divorce attorney!


Interesting Article

We moms all know that you can't always protect your child. We also know that while we want to run to the rescue any time life hands our children a setback or challenge, we have to sometimes sit back and let them figure it out for themselves...even if that means they'll fail.

Yeah yeah yeah. We know it, we hear it from our parents, we read it in articles. But if you're like me, you don't always follow this advice. I admit I shelter Peyton from more than I should but I simply can't help it. Maybe this will change when #2 arrives. Who knows? Either way, I read this article on MSN and thought it was interesting, albeit rehashed stuff I already know.


It's never bad to refresh yourself with why it's important to be less protective from time to time. I mean, the last thing I want to do is raise a titty baby like my poor husband (who happens to be the baby and is still sucking at the teet of his mum). *Shudder!!!*


Piss Poor Aim

What is it about my husband that makes his willy so hard to control? He urinates all over the bathroom!

Cleaning today, I found the smelly stuff on the toilet lid, seat, and bowl, not to mention the floor and wall. I know what he's packin' and there's no reason he can't keep it under control and make it into the bowl...

Another Day...Another Adventure

Today I finally succummed to the fact that I need to buy maternity clothes. Yes, I know, I'm 29 weeks and I should have succummed to that a long time ago but I have resisted.

Thanks to my resistance, I was in a pickle...

I have absolutely NO summer maternity attire and it's hitting 82 degrees tomorrow. Oye! So my little man, Peyton, and I headed to the mall on a quest for an outfit or two. As if that wasn't enough of a challenge, I'm also a curvy 6-footer. Basically, pants fit like capris, capris fit like shorts, and shorts fit like skivvies. It's hard enough to find normal clothes that fit but maternity clothes? An impossibility. All I was looking for were a few skirts, figuring skirts fit everyone. And guess what? THERE AREN'T ANY MATERNITY SUMMER SKIRTS OUT THERE! WTF?!

Two hours, 8 stores, and $80 later, I walked away with a single tank and a pair of capris. I'm still on the prowl for a couple maternity skirts and am certain the moment I find one I will no longer be pregnant.

Mutha Fricka.


Ahhh, My Own Blog

Hello All!

Having my own forum to talk, talk, talk has been loooong overdue. Why it took this long I will never know! But the wait is over: here I am cyberworld, to clutter up the already cluttered space of blogging.

My site is not your typical Motherhood site. I mean, yes, I am a mother. But there are many facets to my life and I plan on covering every comical, quirky one. From my husband of 11 years to my son and one in the oven, nothing is off limits. I encourage you all to share your stories as well. This is a place for all women, and very secure men, to sit down and enjoy.

Welcome! I hope you enjoy the ride. And if you do, pass the good word along. I'm ready to take over this joint!