There are some things "they" keep secret from you before getting pregnant. "They" are friends, family members, and doctors that don't want to scare you into celebacy.
Because if I would have known BEFOREHAND the secret woes that come with pregnancy, I may have reconsidered adoption a little harder.
Things like...
Stretch marks (hey, J.Lo and Posh Spice doesn't have any, so I figured I could get that lucky too)
Engorged nether regions
Painful ta-ta's
Loss of bladder control
Heartburn. Not just slight heartburn. I'm talking dragon-breathing-fire-heartburn.
Leaking breasts
Huge nipples
Absolute loss of brain power
Hair growing in places you never knew it could
...and I'm sure there's more but my heartburn is kicking and I can't remember anything else right now...
And don't forget-it doesnt end when the pregnancy does! Just wait for the fun of your hair falling out. And I'm talking about the stuff that is SUPPOSED to be there! A year and a half later, mine is still trying to recover and grow back in.